Moving in a new tenant is where most property managers and landlords make the greatest number of mistakes. If a property is left in less than satisfactory condition prior to move-in, it sparks a poor relationship with the new residents. When this process is mishandled, residents are more likely to request additional repair items, put less effort into caring for the home, and in general, to move at the end of the current lease term.

MOD Properties knows that annual vacancy is the biggest way to unnecessarily lose revenue, and so by mastering the move-in process, we set the stage for a smooth residency with tenants stay for several years and optimize your return on investment!

How did we master the property turn phase? By getting better every time. Each move-in in our long-standing history of serving the Denver-metro area has been an opportunity for us to fine-tune our approach to getting properties ready, and each one teaches us something new to look for.

Our property experts have comprised a maintenance checklist that covers everything from lightbulbs to downspouts, and refrigerator temperatures to hand railings. It ensures that our owners are protected from liability as well because safety items such as alarms, electrical equipment, HVAC, etc. are inspected thoroughly. This is completed between every property turn to make sure we are delivering the best product possible.

Beyond this maintenance checklist being completed, every property is inspected one final time just prior to move-in to again make sure that it is ready and inviting to the new resident.

MOD Properties will return twice a year for semi annual inspections to ensure that the property is being fully kept up with and again, to check for safety. These inspections are also incredibly detailed and a report is provided to Owners in real-time.

As you can see, your property is in good hands with us! 

To find out more or schedule a consultation, click here

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